We are pleased and proud to transmit text from Class by Class o’s Facebook pages construction of a school in Tanzania, in which our company participated.

President of the Association Zoran Jagec successfully carried out a noble mission followed by a big party. The cheers and smiles of the Maasai, Sukuma and Taturu people speak more than words in the photos

Class by Class – March 30, 2019


With all the financial difficulties and the uncertainty surrounding the completion of the construction of the school was finally succeeded. Only the small classroom work and the completion of the restrooms were left. Children from three villages including the elderly were given this school their first opportunity to study. Mbarali District Education Office provided teacher with Tanzania rule that one teacher is sent by the government (so they like to say) another teacher who will be from the village and selected by the villagers passes away it is the education and obligation of the villagers that they pay for it. Speech was also important at the opening ceremony with the district guests the Chief Education Officer addressed to the villagers in which he spoke of the importance of having all children go to school including older children and girls. The education of the villagers is, of course, the education of the children themselves as the first goal also one of the important goals of the project. It is a long process but the only time for children to ever go and continue their education. It’s in those environments and a big problem for the girls by no means or poorly educated. The opening ceremony went with traditional dances and songs along with accompaniment of the ever-present drums at such festive events.

THANK YOU (ASANTE) the greatest to all of you once again who in any way supported our work to successfully complete another of our joint projects! 

ASANTE from the whole Class by Class team !!