A box of good ideas

BOX OF GOOD IDEAS is a new project to improve internal communications in the company. Cardboard boxes are placed at all Kemis business locations with simple instructions. All employees were given the opportunity to express ideas, suggestions, initiatives, criticisms and comments on all aspects of the company’s business. The desire of the Management is to hear proactive, constructive, positive thinking with suggestions for improving business processes and working conditions of employees.

Ideas can be related to:

  • reduction of risks at work and health hazards, increase of safety
  • reduction of negative impacts on the environment and nature
  • better communication and improvement of interpersonal relations in the business environment
  • improving social conditions
  • improving business processes
  • new projects and interventions, etc.

The experience and training of our employees are the foundation for achieving business excellence through quality, fast and safe service. The opinion of every employee is highly valued in the company, and the voice of the employees from the first line of the operational front is especially significant.

Improvements in internal communications are at the same time a way to improve external communications. Namely, we are open to all clients and partners in the same way with the desire to be even better in the business and services we provide to the mutual satisfaction.